Dayo Amusa
Dayo Amusa is one of the big fishes in the waters of the Yoruba Movie industry. She tops the list of the roll call of 'big girls' in the Yoruba movies sector. But it hasn't been easy for the beautiful Yoruba actress, popularly known as Dewunmi Iberu, as she has been romantically linked with some big shots in the entertainment industry, the latest been King Wasiu Ayinde Mashal. The producer of ‘Unforgivable’ has been having a hard time to explain if she is or not having a secret affair with the Fuji maestro.
However, just few minutes ago, she took to her social media page to express herself and advice men about marriage.Her post read:
"A lot of men think they are doing women a favour by asking for her hand in marriage, but lets think about this: she changes her name, changes her home, leaves her family, moves in with you, builds a home with you, gets pregnant for you, pregnancy changes her body, she gets fat, almost gives up in the labour room due to the unbearable pains of child birth, even the kids she delivers bear your name. Till the day she dies... everything she does, (cooking, cleaning your house, taking care of your parents, bringing up your children, earning, advising you, ensuring you can be relaxed, maintaining all family relations, everything that benefit you.....sometimes at the cost of her own health , hobbies and beauty. so who is really doing whom a favour? Dear men appreciate the women in your lives always, because it is not easy to be a woman. *Being a woman is priceless *"
Posted by 4:08 PM and have
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