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Some Facts About Atheists and Secularists

Some Facts About Atheists and Secularists

  • Atheists and secularists are less nationalistic, less prejudiced, less anti-Semitic, less racist, less dogmatic, less ethocentric, less close-minded, and less authoritarian.

  • Atheists and secularists are more supportive of gender equality than religious people, and are less likely to endorse traditional views concerning women’s roles.

  • There is a positive correlation between higher education and atheism, agnosticism, and secularity.

  • A 2006 study showed that Americans find atheists to be the most problematic minority group.

  • South Carolina and Arkansas ban the non-religious from holding public office.

  • Of the 17 countries in the world that have outlawed hitting of children, nearly all are among the most secular nations in the world.

  • Secular people score markedly higher on tests of verbal ability and verbal sophistication than religious people.

  • Secular people score markedly higher on indicators of scientific proficiency than religious people.
  • (From

[h/t beldenandclark]


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