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Typical Offerings of Pseudoscience and Superstition...

Typical Offerings of Pseudoscience and Superstition...

... presented by Carl Sagan. Also, this has to be one of the longest sentences ever written in English:

“Typical offerings of pseudoscience and superstition - this is merely a representative, not a comprehensive list - are astrology; the Bermuda Triangle; “Big Foot” and the Loch Ness monster; ghosts; the “evil eye”; multicolored halolike “auras” said to surround the heads of everyone (with colors personalized); extrasensory perception (ESP), such as telepathy, precognition, telekinesis, and “remote viewing” of distant places; the belief that 13 is an “unlucky” number (because of which many no-nonsense office buildings and hotels in America pass directly from the 12th to the 14th floors - why take the chance?); bleeding statues; the conviction that carrying the severed foot of a rabbit around with you brings good luck; divining rods, dowsing, and water witching; “facilitated communication” in autism; the belief that razor blades stay sharper when kept inside small cardboard pyramids, and other tenets of “pyramidology”; phone calls (none of them collect) from the dead; prophecies of Nostradamus; the alleged discovery that untrained flatworms can learn a task by eating the ground-up remains of other, better educated flatworms; the notion that more crimes are committed when the Moon is full; palmistry; numerology; polygraphy; comets, tea leaves, and “monstrous” births as harbingers of future events (plus the divinations fashionable in earlier epochs, accomplished by viewing entrails, smoke, the shapes of flames, shadows, and excrement; listening to gurgling stomachs; and even, for a brief period, examining tables of logarithms); “photography” of past events, such as the crucifixion of Jesus; a Russian elephant that speaks fluently; “sensitives” who, when carelessly blindfolded, read books with their fingertips; Edgar Cayce (who predicted that in the 1960s the “lost” continent of Atlantis would “rise”) and other “prophets,” sleeping and awake; diet quackery; out-of-body (e.g., near-death) experiences interpreted as real events in the external world; faith-healer fraud; Ouija boards; the emotional lives of geraniums, uncovered by intrepid use of a “lie detector”; water remembering what molecules used to be dissolved in it; telling character from facial features or bumps on the head; the “hundredth monkey” confusion and other claims that whatever a small fraction of us wants to be true really is true; human beings spontaneously bursting into flame and being burned to a crisp; 3-cycle biorhythms; perpetual motion machines, promising unlimited supplies of energy (but all of which, for one reason or another, are withheld from close examination by skeptics); the systematically inept predictions of Jeane Dixon (who “predicted” a 1953 Soviet invasion of Iran and in 1965 that the USSR would beat the U.S. to put the first human on the Moon) and other professional “psychics”; the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ prediction that the world would end in 1917, and many similar prophecies; dianetics and Scientology; Carlos Castaneda and “sorcery”; claims of finding the remains of Noah’s Ark; the “Amityville Horror” and other hauntings; and accounts of a small brontosaurus crashing through the rain forests of the Congo Republic in our time.”

Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World

[h/t: Claudia]

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Posted by Unknown, Published at 9:03 AM and have