I came across a blog this morning called Well Actually. Aside from an introduction, Well Actually is currently an empty blog. But I liked the tagline so much that I had to share it here:
That's it. My own de-conversion from Christianity in one sentence. I came to the realization that I didn't know as much as I thought I knew. All the years I spent as a Christian, going to church, youth group, Christian teen conventions, lock-ins, Bible college, entering into ministry, becoming ordained, starting a Christian apologetics website - it was all based on specious arguments and evidence. All my religion turned out to be - and what I am now convinced all religion is - is wishful thinking and fear-based believing dandied up to masquerade as a virtue. I thought I knew god. The irony of all this is that many have called me arrogant for leaving the faith. Truth is, my arrogance was my thinking I knew more about the divine than I really did. I was indeed a know-it-all who knew f*#@ all.