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If You Know Someone Who's Going to Hell...

If You Know Someone Who's Going to Hell...

... maybe you can answer this question for me: Do you have any respect for that person? Maybe you respect her right to believe or not believe as she chooses (and maybe I'm assuming too much by saying that), but can you truly respect someone whose current path is leading her to eternal damnation as decreed by your god?

I'm speaking directly to those of you out there in Internet land who are theists who not only have a belief in heaven and (especially) hell, but also "know" that certain people - perhaps people you can list by name - are, in fact, going to hell. I ask because people like me encourage and promote critical thinking, a healthy exchange of ideas and arguments, and respect for differing views. Anyone who can (or who at least attempts to) base one's views on logic and reason are welcome to join the discussion. Perhaps I will learn something from this person. Perhaps I'll discover that my reasoning vis-à-vis a given subject is flawed and needs to be reconsidered.

Such a discussion is contingent upon a mutual respect shown for each participant in the conversation, but if you "just know" that someone is going to hell, how can you take that person's thoughts seriously? How can there be any respect for the person? If that person is going to hell, that means god, who you believe is all-knowing and entirely good, has determined that sending this person to hell is appropriate, justified, and even righteous. That person is going to hell because she deserves it. You have avoided this fate because you did the right thing. She should know better. If the all-knowing and entirely good god has determined that this is the best way to deal with such a person, what's there to respect? Why listen to such a person (other than to find ways to convince her that she should repent)?

I know, "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven." Everyone's a sinner. You're just accepted by god because you put your faith in him. This person is no better than you. I wonder whether you really believe that, though. If god is sending her to hell and not you, then he thinks you should be in heaven and she should be in hell. That means she's not doing something she should be doing. Again, she should know better. Instead, she's throwing away her life, and all that remains for her is no hope, no joy, no purpose: only suffering, torment and separation from the kingdom of god and all its benefits. She is, to you, a spiritual leper, "unclean," who should be kept away from you and the rest of your kind who have been "washed in the blood."

How is a healthy exchange of ideas possible with such a person? How can you try to see things from her perspective, when the never-failing, always correct god of the universe has already determined that her perspective is worthless? Maybe this is why the Christian trolls come to blogs like this one only to post the same thing over and over, and never bother to actually engage anyone in conversation. Maybe this is why certain people protest funerals and hold up signs that say, "God hates fags" and "God is America's enemy." Perhaps this is why the Pat Robertsons and James Dobsons of the world keep telling us that the United States of America is a "Christian nation" that needs to turn back to god. There's no round table needed; no discussion required. There's nothing to think about. The conversation is over. People should know better, right? It's their own fault that they're going to hell.

Or do you think people end up in hell on accident?

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Posted by Unknown, Published at 7:39 AM and have