Tattoo - Visual Art Form

What will happen to my tattoo's when am old......

What will happen to my tattoo's when am old......

                         The "Your tattoo looks cool now, but how will it look when your older" debate

    One, of the dumbest things I've ever heard  people say is that tattoos look a whole lot different when you get older. That the dragon or butterfly on your wrist is going to one day decide that it's going to shape shift into a snake or bug. And this is no where close to the truth. In fact the most a tattoo you've had for years will do is fade.  And here's some pictures of people who've had their tattoos and piercings for quite some time and still seem to love them, to prove it!


 So the next time someone comments on how your tattoo(s) will look when your older, tell them the stars your getting now are still going to be stars when your 80.

 Now wither you regret your tattoo(s) in old age heavily depends on what you got. If you get a boyfriend or girlfriends name written on your face, you may just regret it later or maybe you won't be so fond of that matching tattoo you got with your bff of the time. But if you want to avoid getting something that later on you may simply despise, get things with real  meaning to you or at the least some wonderful artwork.

   Possible future regrets.........

Wonderful artwork you probably won't regret...........

And if you do, you can always hide it.

"My ONLY regret was that I didn't have enough skin for more tattoos"

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Posted by Unknown, Published at 12:59 PM and have