Tattoo - Visual Art Form

Wrist Tattoo Designs

Wrist Tattoo Designs

For the most outstanding wrist tattoos, look no further than these 40 amazing designs. Wrist tattoos are the perfect way to display your personality, and are located on a visible area of the body that lets you admire your artwork regularly, unlike somewhere like your back or thigh. Perfect for smaller designs, wrist tattoos are popular for people of any sex, age and walk of life. One thing to consider when you’re thinking of getting a wrist tattoo is that your skin will be exposed to the sunlight a lot of the time, so it’s even more essential than usual to wear sunscreen on your wrist tattoo every day to prevent your beautiful ink fading over time. So once you’ve decided to go for a wrist tattoo, here are a selection of the finest designs and styles to choose from.

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Posted by Unknown, Published at 5:49 PM and have