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Human Troll

Human Troll

The Internet is full of trolls. I have been fortunate as a blogger in that I haven't had too many, and the ones I've had have been amusing (in a sick, train wreck sorta way). My very first troll was the infamous DM, who is actually the reason I started using Disqus (per Mike D's suggestion). A while back I had some weird uber-Catholic guy spam my blog with comment after comment about how he's going to pray the Rosary for me and Mike D. The trolls I've had have been goofy, possibly mentally unstable fellows whom I eventually banned but at least made things interesting for a short while.

Yesterday, however, I came across comments on my blog from someone with the name "Human Ape" that, to be honest, pissed me off. He was insulting, berating, and insufferably juvenile. He attacked Bruce Gerencser, calling him a "moron" and an "idiot" and a "fucking retard."

Yes, folks, because apparently this is junior high.

All of this went down in the comments of my previous blog entry, Defining Atheism (yet again). Human Ape then went on to brag about his comments on his own blog. Comments like his are just not how things are done around here. If you want to act like a fool, do it on your own damn blog.

Yeah, all this has me pretty steamed. If this clown came into my home and started insulting my friends or family, he'd be out the door with a boot in his ass. Coming onto my blog and doing that feels like the same thing. When that happens, I'm done with you. You're out. I have banned Human Ape for his comments to Bruce.

Seriously, though: of all the people Human Ape could possibly attack, he decided to go after Bruce? Look, pal, if you had half the intellect of Bruce Gerencser, you'd be better off than most people. You'd do well to visit his blog and sit at his feet for a while. Learn something. It'll help you.

There are times when we may tease someone or take a bit of a verbal jab at someone with whom we're conversing (like I did with Mr. Cuddles), but I always try to maintain respectfulness and understanding. We can disagree and still remain cordial. If we can't, then we become as bad as the intolerant folks who started the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials, and Chick-fil-A. As it's stated on the About Dead-Logic page: "I try to promote tolerance and respect for others, regardless of one's religious predilections. Participating on this blog means you will adhere to the Rules of Engagement, and you will also show respect to others who participate on this blog." Freethought can exist only within a climate of tolerance, patience, compassion, peace, and a desire for truth.


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Posted by Unknown, Published at 11:00 AM and have