NASA rocket scientist Bobak Ferdowsi, who gained notoriety for his mohawk during the landing of the Curiosity rover on Mars, hosted an Inter...
NASA's "Mohawk Guy" on Internet Radio
NASA's "Mohawk Guy" on Internet Radio
by Unknown , at 12:08 PM , have
Feminism, Labels, Keepin' it Real, & Chillin' the Most
Feminism, Labels, Keepin' it Real, & Chillin' the Most
[Apparently I'm in the mood to adhibit a plethora of swear words tonight. You've been warned.] I am a feminist . I know, people hear...
by Unknown , at 8:41 PM , have
by Unknown , at 11:12 AM , have
Labels, New Movements, & Hubris
Labels, New Movements, & Hubris
Hemant Mehta (Friendly Atheist) had a few things to say about Atheism+ . He begins by defending the "Brights" by explaining that: ...
by Unknown , at 11:53 AM , have
Bit late but we are still here
Bit late but we are still here
So, I got half way through a post months ago and never posted it, oops! So here is a bunch of work from all our guys (little old now sorry)....
by Unknown , at 8:59 PM , have
Geoff Rowley
Geoff Rowley
Here are some new pieces, Enjoy. The shop moved! We are now located at 810 Notre Dame. Drop us a line at 832 6733.
by Unknown , at 9:10 AM , have