Tattoo - Visual Art Form

Cross Tattoos Art Designs

Cross Tattoos Art Designs

Women Cross Tattoos on Upper Back

Cross tattoo designs are popular ways to display art on the body. They are popular among both men and women. Tattoos were originally from Japan and were applied to the face. Over the years there have been many changes in the tattoos and tattoo designs. This form of body art has changed dramatically and no longer applies to just getting popular among the Celts a cross many years ago.

Women Ankle Cross Tattoos

There are a wide variety of shapes and designs, ranging from Celtic to Christian crosses. They can be small and hidden or complex and cover an entire area. Wherever you decide to put the cross design depends on many factors. If you work in an arena that frown on the body of art, you would not choose to have a neck or sleeve tattoo. The colors are bright and amazing to simple black or blue.

Simple Cross Tattoos

Hand Cross Tattoos

Crosses and other religious symbols are very popular designs. They can only do a little cross on a comprehensive design with intricate details are complete. The choice is endless. Many who lost a loved one choose a name with a colorful cross design.

Transport hearts, angels and butterflies are popular alternatives to cross designs for women. They may be small but have a lot of color. Women tend to have art on their ankles, stomach or small of the back.

Men generally choose their cross to be put on the back, chest or arm. They usually opt for a cross design with symbolic meaning. The creative designs are not limited to either a man or a woman. It is no longer acceptable for a woman to have a bold design on her arm or a husband to have something on his leg. That is part of the beauty cross tattoos, no significant places is limited.

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Posted by Unknown, Published at 8:29 AM and have