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11/11/11 @ 11:11 PM

11/11/11 @ 11:11 PM

Th1s blog entry 1s scheduled to post at eleven m1nutes past eleven o'clock 1n the even1ng, on 11/11/11. Thousands upon thousands of people have made w1shes today, hop1ng for a l1ttle mag1c to occur 1n the1r l1ves. Many see the number eleven as a myst1cal number, possessing myster1ous power or energ1es the average person does not comprehend. 1ndeed, the phrase "the eleventh hour" represents urgency: "t1me 1s running out." Perhaps 1t 1s.

There was a total solar ecl1pse on August 11, 1999, at 11:11 AM. The Mayan calender ends December 21, 2012 at 11:11 AM. Apollo 11 was the spacefl1ght wh1ch landed the f1rst humans, Ne1l Armstrong and Edw1n "Buzz" Aldr1n, Jr, on Earth's Moon on July 20, 1969. "Edw1n Aldr1n" has eleven letters.

˙uʍop ǝpısdn uǝʇʇıɹʍ uǝɥʍ ǝɯɐs ǝɥʇ sʎɐʇs 11 ɹǝqɯnu ǝɥʇ

The h1stor1c earthquake wh1ch caused a tsunam1 and nuclear reactor cr1s1s h1t on the 11th day of March, 2011. On December 21st 2010, the Winter Solstice co1nc1ded with a full lunar ecl1pse for the f1rst t1me in 456 years: eleven days before 1/1/11.

December 21, 2012 = 21/12/2012 = 2+1+1+2+2+0+1+2 = 11.

My fr1end M1ke The Wh1te's daughter turned 11 today, on 11/11/11. "Jesus Chr1st" has eleven letters, as does the word "cruc1f1x1on."
"Nostradamus" has 11 letters. World War I ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. The number 11 has deep s1gn1f1cance perta1n1ng to the events of September 11, 2001:

• The day of the attack: 11
• The date of the Attack, September 11 or 9/11= 9 + 1 + 1 = 11
• 911 Is the emergency number = 9 + 1 + 1 = 11
• September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11
• After September 11th we have 111 days remaining in the year.
• 119 is the area code for Iran & Iraq l + 1 + 9 = 11
• The first plane to hit one of the buildings was Flight 11
• The state of New York was the 11th state to join the Union
• New York City = 11 letters
• Afghanistan = 11 letters
• The Pentagon = 11 letters
• Flight 11 had 92 passengers, 9 + 2 = 11
• Flight 77 had 65 passengers, 6 + 5 = 11
• Twin Towers looked like an 11
• Twin Towers had 110 floors

The number 11 1s r1ch w1th myst1c propert1es. 1n b1nary ar1thmet1c. 11=3. 3 1s the cornerstone of the Tr1n1ty as well as H1ndu1sm. We see further correlation to 1nf1n1ty and l1fe 1n the number 11: 1 male + 1 female are needed to produce 1 child; thus, 1 + 1 = 3, v1s-a-v1s reproduct1on. 1f "three 1s the mag1c number," then eleven must be at least equally mag1cal.

1ndependence Day 1n the US 1s July 4, or 7/4: 7 + 4 = 11.

"Pearl Harbor" has eleven letters.

Harry Patch, the last surv1vor of World War 1 to f1ght 1n the trenches, passed away at age 111. H1s full name - "Harold Patch" - has eleven letters. "K1ng Tut," or Tutankhamen (wh1ch has eleven letters), ruler of Egypt, was the 11th Ruler of the 18th dynasty.

111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 1,2,345,678,987,654,321.

Ser1ously, what proof do you folks need?


BONUS: The best part about writing this article was that the lap top wasn't plugged in, and so this popped up as I was finishing, and I had to take a screen capture of it:

See? The fact that eleven is magical is inescapable!

UPDATE NOVEMBER 15, 2011: This nonsensical blog entry illustrates how people can twist around words (or in this case, numbers) to get people to believe all kinds of nonsense. Instead of relying on reason, they use stuff like this to get people to buy into "fantasies that quelled their fears, massaged their egos and catered to their selfish desires" (This quote is from my November 15 article titled "Wonder" which, by the way, is the eleventh blog entry I posted this month! Elevens are everywhere!).

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Posted by Unknown, Published at 9:11 PM and have