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Apologetics, the Ray Comfort Way!

Apologetics, the Ray Comfort Way!

Yes, boys and girls, YOU TOO can do Christian apologetics just like RAY COMFORT! And the great thing is, IT'S SO EASY! Ready? Let's get started:

STEP ONE: Get a former child actor to be your sidekick. It's important that, if you can't refute evolution or demonstrate that the argument from design makes any sense at all, you gotta get people to think you're credible somehow. What better way to get people to take you seriously than by getting a former sit-com child actor to be the Robin to your Batman? Ray found Kirk Cameron to add a little charisma to his gospel presentation.

STEP TWO: Get a bunch of cool-sounding website names. Ray's got Living Waters, and its offshoots and Way of the Master, but those are still too "churchy" sounding. Ray also has a blog called Atheist Central, which might sound odd to you, but it's Ray's way of bringing it to those silly atheists. Then there are my absolute favorite Ray Comfort sites: Pull the Plug on Atheism (yeah!) and now, the in-your-face put-up-or-shut-up Intelligent Design versus Evolution, featuring the $10,000 Offer for anyone who can show Ray and crew real proof that evolution is true! And since you can't show someone who has no grasp of the subject matter any real proof about said subject matter, it's an automatic win for Ray! Go take that evidence and logic elsewhere. Cool websites are where it's at folks. And this leads me to Step Three:

STEP THREE: Never, never, NEVER, interview experts or anyone who is actually prepared to discuss the topics. This step is crucial. If you want to argue for your faith and score major debate points like Ray Comfort, it's important to grab a camera and microphone and head out into the streets to interview people who aren't prepared to answer all the questions you have for them.

Yes kids, this is what I call The Ray Comfort Apologetic (RCA): to demonstrate that something is false (like, say, evolution), find an average person who's clearly untrained in science, philosophy or religion and ask him/her questions he/she isn't prepared to answer, then point to the person's inability to provide a good answer as evidence that the view or position one is attempting to discredit is, in fact, false.

Here's a video I found on the Intelligent Design versus Evolution site that shows us RCA at its finest:

Don't forget to point to their lack of knowledge as proof that evolution is false, as Ray demonstrated perfectly in this video. When they say use phrases like "I don't know," "maybe," or "perhaps," THAT'S when you've got 'em!

Another form of RCA is to demonstrate that something is true (like, say, biblical prophecy) by using poorly reasoned arguments and logical fallacies on people who are clearly untrained in science, philosophy or religion and are unable to provide good responses, then pointing to their lack of quality responses and/or their stumbling over their words as evidence that the conclusion one is trying to prove is, in fact, true. Here's a couple videos that were sent to me on YouTube by an Internet Apologist who utilizes RCA:

I've talked about this second video before. This video - along with the video above it - exemplifies Step Four:

Onward, my Silver Steed!

STEP FOUR: Never, never, never, never, NEVER, NEVER interview experts or anyone who is actually prepared to discuss the topics (Notice a pattern here?). You have to do what the apologist did in these two videos: present your terrible argument supporting your beliefs to someone who isn't able to give you a proper response. Here's an example: after I write this, I'm going to talk to my friend's four year old daughter about my belief that there are time-traveling unicorns. After she demonstrates her inability to refute my arguments or comprehend what I'm saying, I will then proclaim victory, using her ignorance as proof that my time-traveling unicorns are real!

I hope this has been helpful to all who desire to do Christian apologetics the Ray Comfort Way!

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Posted by Unknown, Published at 3:30 PM and have