Just have to say I have been loving the comments: a whole lot of stuff the answer there - I shall be endeavouring to get answers to all your queries, even to all of giantfan's multiple comments (you really have been digging about the net haven't you, sir, keep them coming...)
The potential names for that ettin are universally excellent and I mull over them even now; thinking a combination of some plus a bit of my own thing will be the end result - we shall see.
... and for those distressed by the fact of the wait for Book 2 all I can continue to say is very very sorry, a book is only late until it released but is bad forever - I sure hope you find it worth the withdrawal. To those who have expressed admirable patience, thank you so much. Either way I am very encouraged: it is a privilege to have people eager to read on and I can let you know that I puzzle over Book 3 even as you read. Its title is up for grabs now, any previous ideas for possible Book 3 title are no longer valid as I wrestle with what happens next.
Finally I can confirm that a contract with the Jim Henson Company has been entered in to, that a film of the MBT series is possible, though at this stage there are no guarantees. There is still a lot yet to be sorted before a film can actually happen, so watch this space for any further developments. Either way, very exciting indeed.
Posted by 7:15 PM and have
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