Thank you to all those who have left yet more encouraging remarks. It so very much helps.
As to a larger version of the map - I'll see what I can do about putting up a .pdf of it perhaps, either here or at - my STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION web page for all things MBT and beyond - or at the official website. I will speak with my publishers about this. The idea has already occurred to me; indeed I am dead keen for people to see it in its right size, being 1 metre x 780 mm. Even at those dimensions it still has 4 & 5 point type on it. So yes, a lot of detail lost in the reduction of it, but we shall see. What do people think?
It has been offered to have MBT put on a uni reading list. There is a use for it I had never considered. It would be interesting to know how it would stand up to such scrutiny.
Oh almost forgot, for breakfast today I had Allbran[TM] and Milo[TM].
And now: Half-Continent synonyms for real-world terms #003
telephone / telegraph = astrapenunticon or transpositional.
Here is a challenge for those who want to take it on: give me a word and I'll attempt to render it into Half-continent speak.
Posted by 12:29 AM and have
, Published at