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the world meets no one halfway

the world meets no one halfway

tuesday april 12th 2006

'zine create shun

uhhhh..... whatever....

in skateboarding news, the new thrasher is fucking unbelieveable. every other page is mind boggling. i was subliminally inspired by greco's cover and on the way home bought fashionably matching hammer.

to everyone who i've fooled into thinking that i eat well and take care of myself....


the wieve, sorry

"it looks like a stealth fighter setting into a butt"
i dig this dudes shit though

me and james went shredding

bumped into some thugs

at jame's pad...
he had some ill prints from our trip to SF

bike shred

i made us some kill sushi with orange pepper and hella rype avacado

wednesday april 13th
molasses on toast is one of my old favourites... when the goin' gets rough, and all the jam and beanut butter run out, theres always some molasses kickin around...

good smiths shirt on the kids in the hall...
the queen is dead boy...


soon to come, wreck business cards, i'm makin some moves kid!

a special lady friend hooked me on up with some organic mango action, thanks meach!

vacuuming booty

james got himself a blog... crossreference coming soon

tyler, please give me this


tyler swain, i've always admired his style... unbelieveable, f/s flip

stoic gulls

me and tyler visited an old friend, we both ollied it for wreck one, and for wreck four we both got flippy over it.

kit check

thursday april 14th 2006

over the top might be the best piece of cinema ever created

in other skateboarding news, consolidated ran a political ad this month for the first time in a long time. nike was pullling some bullshit move, todd bratrud designed a shoe for them in the cube colours, using their name without permission. the shit hit the fan and seth mccallum and emeric pratt both got fully kicked off, and im assuming todd bratrud might also be in deep shit... all three of those dudes are fucking rad, too bad shit had to get so hectic. but props to birdo for keeping it real. i dont really know that much about it, but good to see someone giving a shit again.

they got thrasher..
looks like they got jeremy fish too... good lookin shoe...

shit, i heard even jimbo might be gettin' packages

back to the grindstone

muke larvin alert!!!

dirty guerts took the plunge, he took two photos to the hairdresser, morrissey and robert deniro, even with his severe distain for all things Moz, he couldn't deny the coif.

lambro's got a day planner!!! epic cube representation

smooth sam


greco, janosky, LAMBRO!!!

bumped into this lady at the deuce, she split proclaiming:

"well, we gotta run, were staying at his moms place and we're gonna go scronk now"


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Posted by Unknown, Published at 12:53 AM and have